Collective Agreement for Marine Passengers

N° IDCC: 3228 - dernière vérification le 23/01/2025
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Accédez à la Convention collective 2025 : mise à jour et téléchargement immédiat.

Explore the national collective agreement specific to crew members of ferry service operators, established in May 2018 and revised in March 2021.

Collective Agreement for Marine Passengers

IDCC 3228 - Convention Collective Intégrale

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1 ,90€HT

Comprendre la convention collective IDCC 3228

Convention collective nationale du personnel navigant du groupement des armateurs de services de passages d'eau du 23 mai 2018. Etendue par arrêté du 2 mars 2021 JORF 9 mars 2021


The Convention Collective Nationale du Personnel Navigant du Groupement des Armateurs de Services de Passages d'Eau, established on May 23, 2018, and extended by decree on March 2, 2021, is a pivotal legal document for ferry service operators in France. This collective agreement is specifically tailored to the needs of marine crew members working for ferry services, providing a framework for labor regulations and practices within the industry. Its primary aim is to safeguard the rights of these individuals while also ensuring operational efficiency.

The Scope of the Agreement

This collective agreement covers a wide range of legal and operational aspects essential for the maritime industry. Key areas include work hours, wages, employee rights, and safety measures, each crafted to accommodate the unique demands of ferry services. The agreement ensures that personal safety and professional integrity are prioritized, aligning with broader national and EU mandates in labor law.

Enhancing Workforce Stability

One of the essential elements of this agreement is its focus on job security and workplace harmony. By providing clear guidelines on employment terms and conditions, it helps mitigate disputes and misunderstandings between employees and employers. These pre-emptive measures contribute to an overall reduction in turnover rates, fostering a more stable and committed workforce.

Training and Development

The agreement also emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development. It advocates for regular training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of marine crew members, thereby promoting career progression. By supporting employee growth, the agreement not only enriches the individual’s career path but also significantly boosts the operational capacity and adaptability of the ferry operators.

Health and Safety Obligations

Safety is paramount in the maritime industry, and this agreement outlines stringent health and safety protocols. These regulations are devised to minimize risks and ensure a safe working environment, crucial on the open waters where crew members often face unpredictable conditions. Regular safety drills and evaluations are mandated, reinforcing the industry's commitment to zero accidents and incidents.


In conclusion, the Convention Collective serves not just as a legal safeguard for marine crew members but as a strategic tool to boost the efficiency and reliability of ferry services across France. By balancing informational and commercial objectives, it ensures that both crew welfare and service quality are enhanced. For businesses in the maritime sector looking to thrive, understanding and implementing this agreement is crucial, making it a cornerstone of operational success.

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